OxaVap ProVap EZ 110 Vaporizer
OxaVap ProVap EZ 110 Vaporizer
The first Oxalic Acid (OA) Vaporizer you can use standing up! Just point the vaporizer stem into the hive opening, dip the open end of the delivery capsule into the oxalic acid then slide the capsule down the tube. That’s it! This will release the OA from the capsule into the heating chamber. The capsule when dipped into the OA picks up two grams, just the right amount for a double brood box hive. How? Oxalic acid is normally slightly damp and the capsule uses the “stickiness” of the damp OA to capture the correct 2-gram amount. This vaporizer is strictly for use in a grounded 110 volt (3 prong) socket.
Safety: You must use a respirator that is rated for organic or acid gas. Make sure you buy one with replaceable filters. Heavy, heat resistant gauntlet gloves are a must as well.
Click here for full instructions
Unit length (once assembled): 53 inches.
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