Bee Medications

No medication should be fed to the colonies when there is a danger of contaminating the honey crop. All drug feeding should be stopped at least 2-3 weeks before the start of the surplus honey flow.


Fumagilin-B — An antibiotic used in the treatment of nosema infection. Nosema is caused by the protozoa spore nosema apis that infects the epithelial cells of the honeybee ventricles. Fumagilin-B attacks the actively multiplying disease-producing parasites in the bee’s digestive tract. It is primarily used in treating package bees and overwintering colonies.

Read our fact sheet on the safe and effective use of Fumagilin-B (with recommended methods for the treatment of both Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae) here.

See also: Instructions for mixing and feeding Medicated Sugar Syrup, here.

Oxytet or Oxysol

Oxytet or Oxysol — Oxytetracycline/Terramycin is an antibiotic used in the treatment of American or European foulbrood. Generally treatment is done in spring and fall to prevent or control minor outbreaks of foulbrood disease. Generally the bees will clean up European foulbrood very readily. American foulbrood is most devastating on the bee brood. This disease is highly contagious and its spores can remain viable indefinitely. If a hive is heavily infected, the best control method is burning of the infected equipment. This will help prevent spread of the disease.

Read our fact sheet on the safe and effective use of Oxytet or Oxysol (including pre-mixed Foulbrood mix) here.

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